Seasonal workshops


The workshops follow the rhythm of the seasons and are inspired by current events.
At the intersection of astrology, meteorology, poetry, sociology and even science-fiction, the stories deal with more general themes, the stakes of which can be interpreted by everyone.
A light way to demystify hypnosis from the comfort of your own home.
Put your headphones on and let yourself be guided!

Astrology and hypnosis

Astrology is a pretext to use the strengths and weaknesses of each sign. You can take advantage of all the seasonal workshops regardless of your astrological sign.
The strengths of the different signs act as resources to be explored and their weaknesses appear as universal fears to be overcome.

The workshops are advertised on Instagram. Follow me for the next dates! If you prefer to be notified by email, click here to be added to the mailing list.

If you missed a workshop, you can still order it (CAD$ 30). You will then receive a download link which will include a series of videos that you can listen to and follow at your own pace.
If you are interested in one of the workshops and want to know more, contact me to receive the detailed content, simply telling me which workshop it is.

Welcome to the seasonal workshops!
Below you can find a few keywords to give you a taste of the theme and the topics discussed each month.


The workshops follow
the rhythm
of the


Aries Season * Equinox
Courage, survival and spontaneity
→ Workshop in March


Leo Season
Playfulness, creativity, vitality and youth
→ Workshop in July


Sagittarius Season
Nomadism, enthusiasm and insatiability
→ Workshop in November


Taurus Season
Stability, persistence and pleasures
→ Workshop in April


Virgo Season
Organization, practicality and lucidity
→ Workshop in August


Season of Capricorns * Winter Solstice
Wisdom, ambition and perseverance
→ Workshop in December


Gemini Season
Curiosity, versatility and adaptability
→ Workshop in May


Libra Season * Equinox
Ecosystems, harmony and justice
→ Workshop in September


Aquarius Season
Utopias, anticipation and common good
→ Workshop in January


Cancers Season * Summer Solstice
Benevolence, poetry and nostalgia
→ Workshop in June


Scorpio Season
Regeneration, emotions and power
→ Workshop in October


Pisces Season
Fiction, imagination and empathy
→ Workshop in February